S.O.L.I.D. and OpenCart
I created a telegram bot
Search Suggestion PRO - search with autocomplete, version 5
The module adds the functionality of autocomplete results to the standard search block in the site header. The user enters the first letters of the product and receives hints about the products available on the site, categories, manufacturers and information pages.
I recommend to all!!! Phenomenal search! Fast!!! This is the best solution ever!
- Search engine with morphology and relevance PRO
- Search suggestion - search with autocomplete PRO
- Filter categories in the search
- Search History

Search Engine with morphology and relevance PRO, version 4.0
Search OpenCart module. Designed for stores that need high-quality and fast search. That is, for almost all stores, because with a bad search, stores constantly lose tens of percent of their profits! Your customers won't have to manually browse through tens of thousands of pages on your site to find the right product. If the product is not found in the first seconds through the search, then the user simply leaves your site.
OpenCart API system
Which version of OpenCart use for a new store?
How to install ionCube?
ionCube is used by many OpenCart modules. If module needs ionCube but ionCube is not installed on your hosting then this module won't work.
How to check is ionCube installed on your hosting I wrote before. Usually ionCube is installed on 99% hostings. But if you are not lucky, you checked and discovered that ionCube is not installed on your hosting then this article is for you. In this article I'll give you information how to install ionCube on your hosting.