Search History 1.0

What does this module do?
Allows the administrator to see exactly what users are looking for on the site.
What for?
Are you not interested in knowing exactly what products your users are interested in?
- maybe they are looking for a product that is not on the site, you never order it, because you think that no one is interested in it
- maybe they are looking for a specific model that is not on the site and should be ordered.
- maybe they are looking for a product that is already sold and you forgot to reorder it.
- maybe they are looking for a product that is on the site, but users cannot find it through the search, because they write the wrong request, in this case you may need to change the name of the product so that they can find it or install a more functional search on the site that allows replace words in the search and ignore some characters and use morphology in the search, e.g. module "Search engine with morphology and relevance" or "Search with morphology and relevance".
As a result, you will be able to offer your customers exactly what they are interested in, thereby making your store more interesting and useful for your users, as well as solve a number of problems that are present in your store, such as imperfect search or incorrect product names.
- smart adding search phrases to the history. If the user entered the same phrase 2 times, it will only add into the history once. If the user searches using the quick search module, which starts the search after each entered letter, for example "a"-"ap"-"app"-"appl"-"apple" then only the whole word: "apple" will add to the history but not meaningless parts of words ("a"- "ap"-"app"-"appl"-"apple")
- the ability to sort the results: alphabetically search phrase, number of products found, date, IP address
- the ability to filter the results: by search phrase, by quantity in stock ("from", "to"), date ("from", "to"), IP address
- the ability to group by search phrase. This allows you to find out which words and phrases users are searching for the most.
- support in addition to the standard search of other search modules: "Search engine with morphology and relevance", "Search with morphology and relevance", "Search Suggestions"
OpenCart, ocStore 1.5.x
OpenCart, ocStore 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.3, 3.0
The module uses vQmod (for OpenCart 1.5), but can be installed without vQmod and OCMOD (for OpenCart 2 and above)
The module uses IonCube, usually on 99% of hostings you can check it just in case.
One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain.
To contact the author of the module, email me at
© Stasyuk Vladimir (, 2016