Search Suggestion PRO - search with autocomplete, version 5
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This is the PRO version of the Search suggestion module - search with autocompletion, which has already been purchased by more than 500 users!
What does this module do?
The module adds the functionality of autocomplete results to the standard search block in the site header. The user enters the first letters of the product and receives hints about the products available on the site (as well as from version 4 of the categories, manufacturers and information pages)
What for?
Finding the right product quickly is extremely important for an online store. Because if users does not get such an opportunity, then they will not find the right product and will simply leave your site for your competitors. Therefore, such functionality is present, probably, in all, without exception, large online stores.
New in version 5
- Added filter by category. When searching for products, the module also finds the categories of all found products with the ability to filter the search result by any of these categories.
- Filtering can also work asynchronously via AJAX directly in the search block, it can also display the number of products found and sort the results by name or number of products found.
- Added output mode in one line. It is available for all groups: products, categories, manufacturers, information pages and filter by category. It is convenient to display titles or images for categories, manufacturers or filters.
- Added a new field for the product - Availability status in the warehouse, before it was possible to display only the quantity of goods in stock.
- Added condition for product rating to not print empty ratings
- Module design changed
- Changed the design of the admin
- For convenient editing of CSS styles, an editor with syntax highlighting has been added.
- Fixed a bug in the search for categories and manufacturers during transliteration, before that the module found all values in some cases.
- Added Ukrainian language
- Other smaller fixes and improvements.
- Color schemes (since version 5.1). It is possible to easily, in 2 mouse clicks, change the color scheme of the module to match the color of the site.
New in version 4
- changed the search script from jquery-ui to bootstrap, this will reduce the number of conflicts with the theme and other scripts
- added the ability to search not only products, but also categories, manufacturers and information pages
- search by products, categories, manufacturers and information can also be sorted, which search should be higher in the search results, which one should be lower
- added the ability to specify the path to the search form for non-standard themes
- added the ability to specify the width of the search block
For each type of search (product, category, manufacturer, information) you can:
- enable or disable search by this type
- assign a block title in the search block
- specify search sorting (by name, by relevance)
- specify search logic (AND, OR)
- specify the number of results to display
- enable or disable keyboard layout correction (yjen,er -> laptop)
- enable or disable transliteration (laptop -> laptop)
- specify which fields to search for
- specify which fields to display in the search
The difference between the PRO version and the regular one
The entire code of the module has been rewritten.
CSS styles have been added to the admin panel, now you don’t need to open the css file of the module to change the display style, everything is done in the admin panel.
Added fields for display in the drop-down list:
- Manufacturer
- Product quantity
- Model
- Product rating, displayed as stars
For each field, you can:
- enable the display of the field name, convenient for the fields "Model", "SKU", etc.
- display mode: show the field on a new line or in the same one
- sort order of fields when displayed
- CSS settings for each field
You can sort the fields by dragging with the help of a bear.
Bugs fixed
Added support for OpenCart 2.0
The module has become much more flexible - now there are more than 100 in the module ! settings in the admin panel, now it can rightly be called the PRO version.
ZyXel : Awesome module, thanks!
dremuz : Thanks to the author, everything works flawlessly)
ingenerks : Thank you, it works very cool)
Rustem : Thanks to the author, excellent feature, I have been looking for this all day today. Catch paluseg in karma.
alesco : Cool module, thanks to the author. Everything works.
More reviews you can read here
The module is compatible with modules:
openCart / ocStore 1.5, 2.0.x, 2.1.x, 2.2.x, 2.3.x, 3.x (version 5)
The module uses IonCube, usually it is installed on 99% of hosting sites, but you can check it just in case .
One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain.
To contact the author of the module, email me at
© Stasyuk Vladimir (, 2014