Payment Methods

Sorry for my English! English is not my native language. One of the reasons to create this blog is to improve my English writing. So I will be highly obliged if you will help me with this. If you find a grammar error on this page, please select it with your mouse and press Ctrl+Enter.

You can buy my OpenCart modules on this site through PayPal payment or, if you have any difficulties, there are other payment options:

  1. directly to my 
  2. to Visa or Mastercard, my cards:
    • PrivateBank 4731 2196 5168 0104 (Vladimir Stasiuk)
    • MonoBank   4441 1110 4685 3473 (Vladimir Stasiuk)
    • payment link on the bank's website
  3. to bitcoin wallet:
    Telegram USDT TON

If none of the above options suits you, please email me or use the contact form on this site. 


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