Group Price
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What is Group Price?
With this module you can change all the prices on your website in one click! The module will help you to change prices for each customer group, category and manufacturer. It can change price "on the fly" without changing the price in the database and it can change the price in the database.
The price will change everywhere on the site for every module and page which use the OpenCart API for getting products.
✔ easy to install
✔ changes prices for each customer group, category and manufacturer
✔ changes prices "on the fly" and in the database
✔ vQmod. The module does not overwrite any of your opencart files
✔ minimum vQmod changes, you can add it manually if you don't use vQmod
✔ guaranteed support!
• OpenCart 1.5.4.x-1.5.6.x (if you have another version of OpenCart and need this module - please email me at sv2109[at]
• vQmod
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