Filter Category Search 2.5
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What does this module do?
The module adds a category filter on the search page. For example, a user types in, for example, "intel", after which the search gives him a result of several hundred or thousands of products, and in order to find the right product, the user needs to scroll through tens or hundreds of pages of results.
The module adds a separate block to the search results, which includes categories in which there are products for this search query. And by clicking on a category, for example, "Motherboards", the user can now easily find the right product.
The module is compatible:
- with the standard OpenCart search
- with the search module "Search Engine with morphology and relevance"
In the module settings, you can specify:
- show category images
- show number of items found
- show category link
- include 2 levels of categories
- show only top level categories
- enable the mode when the top level of categories is always open by default
- sorting: by category name or by number of products found in each category
OpenCart/ocStore 2.0-2.1
OpenCart/ocStore 2.3
OpenCart/ocStore 3.0
The module uses IonCube, usually 99% of hosts use it, but you can check it just in case.
One module license allows you to install this module on 1 domain.
The module uses Bootstrap
To contact the author of the module, email me at
© Stasyuk Vladimir (, 2020